HIV mouth sores are common for people who have HIV. Many people who have HIV suffer from mouth sores because of their compromised immune system. What should these people do to cope with HIV mouth sores? This article will talk about the mouth sores that people with HIV experience, and how to deal with them.
HIV mouth sores
People with HIV commonly have mouth sores. These mouth sores are often painful and can interfere with the way a person eats, talks, and how the person takes their medication. Having mouth sores frequently can have an impact on a person’s well-being.
Are these mouth sores contagious?
Most of the time, the mouth sores that accompany HIV infection are not contagious. However, there are some mouth sores that accompany HIV infection that are contagious. For example, cold sores or herpes simplex is a type of HIV mouth sore that can be transmitted from one person to another. For people with HIV infection, the intensity of oral herpes is much worse and will last longer than people who do not have a compromised immune system.
Also, HPV warts is another type of mouth sore that can affect people who have HIV infection. Most of the time, these warts are not painful for the person who has them, but they can be bothersome. If they are in places on the mouth that get touched a lot, they can be touched a lot, which can lead to bleeding. Surgery can be done to remove these warts, or a cream can also be prescribed to soothe and alleviate any discomfort that a person feels because of them, but then there is no oral medicine that can be taken to get rid of these warts.
If you are not sure about what kind of mouth sore you have, it is best to avoid sharing food, beverages and utensils with the people you deal with to avoid transmission of the mouth sores. It is also a good idea to see a doctor when you have mouth sores. The doctors will be able to diagnose what kind of HIV mouth sores you have and they will also be able to advise you as to what you can do to treat your HIV mouth sores.
Mouth sores and HIV treatment
There are some cases in which mouth sores can also interfere with HIV medication. These mouth sores can make it very uncomfortable for a person to take their HIV medication. Canker sores and other types of mouth sores can form more easily when a person suffers from HIV because of the compromised immune system. If the person has a considerably difficult time taking their HIV medication, there are other ways by which they can receive treatment for their HIV infection. In this case, it is a good idea to inform a doctor about it, so they can recommend other methods and ways for the person to take the medicines they need.
What happens if HIV mouth sores go untreated?
If HIV mouth sores are left untreated, there will be a greater chance of the person getting infected. Some mouth sores may pop, some others may bleed and others can be picked off. All of these may cause infection in the mouth of the person, causing all sorts of other oral problems that can later affect overall health.
People with moth sores and HIV infection are also more susceptible to having dry mouth. This will also increase the chances of infection because there is not enough saliva in a person’s mouth to be able to help them fight bacterial infections. This is why it is very important to get prompt treatment for mouth sores when you have HIV infection. Getting the proper treatment will reduce the chances of infections forming in your mouth, and also help the person avoid health problems because of these infections.
How to prevent infections caused by mouth sores
The best and most effective way to make sure that infection does not form because of canker sores or other types of mouth sores despite HIV infection is to see a dentist regularly. Regular trips to the dentist will ensure that they will be able to provide prompt treatment for HIV mouth sores, help a patient deal with the pain and discomfort they are feeling because of the mouth sores and also ensure that the people who have HIV also have optimal oral health.
Dentists will be able to properly monitor oral health as well as help their patients deal with HIV mouth sores. They will be able to detect any potential oral diseases that may be forming and they will be able to advise the patient what to do to prevent these oral health issues from developing into more serious oral diseases and issues.
Finding a support group
If you have HIV, it is a good idea to find a support group to help you cope with the difficulties of your condition. There are many benefits to joining a support group. These people will have similar experiences as you, go through similar pains throughout the day, and will have relatable experiences that will be beneficial for you to hear. You will also be able to share your own insights and experiences that may help other people in the support group deal with the condition you all have.
If you have HIV mouth sores, it will help to find a good support group because the people in it with you will be dealing with the same problems and situations. You will all be able to share best practices and help each other through the most difficult parts of dealing with the condition you have.
Final thoughts
If you have HIV mouth sores, the first and most logical step is to visit your dentist. Your dentist will be able to provide methods that you can use to help alleviate any pain or discomfort you may feel because of your cankers sores or HIV mouth sores.
It is important to seek treatment the moment the mouth sores appear in your mouth, especially if you have HIV infection. Keep in mind that having HIV will make you more likely to develop mouth sores, and having mouth sores will put you at more risk of infection, which will be more harmful to you because of your weakened immune system. Getting proper treatment from a dentist will help avoid all of this and keep you healthy.