The popularity of breast implants is quickly taking shape since most of the women are now adopting the option to change on the look and shape. Even though there are risks that are attached to the process of breast implants, the question of “do breast implants cause cancer?” can’t easily be answered. Different cases of breast cancer have been reported in women who have undergone breast implant but not all cases result to cancer hence no need for extreme worries. but, really, do implants cause cancer?


Do breast implants cause cancer : The facts

Women who undergo any form of breast augmentation should keep monitoring their breasts to make sure they are safe and the healing process is happening perfectly. The rare breast cancer after implant can be accompanied by other infection that can make the situation very complex hence the need for professional attention during the process.

breast implants cause cancerWhen the breast implant has been placed, the risk for cancer is related to the immune system of the body. The cancer, called breast-implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is believed to be caused by the cell lymphoma which is non-Hodgkin in nature. After the implant, the risk for cancer is high around the implant and majorly starts with the fluids that may form around the implant set. Cancer may affect the breast alone or may easily spread to other parts of the body to spread the risk making it even worse.

When you are diagnosed with any sign of lymphoma after a breast augmentation procedure, you shouldn’t go into panic mode since the condition can be controlled in the early stages. The BIA-ALCL is a rare case, it should be addressed in advance and the patient made aware of the possibility before they accept to have an implant done on them.


Do breast implants cause cancer : Symptoms of cancer

Early symptom identification is very important since they will help control the condition before it becomes worse. The cancer symptoms may not be experienced immediately after the breast implant but may happen later after the implant has taken some time. It is a must, then, that annual monitoring and consultation with your surgeon be done. When you undergo breast augmentation, be aware of the symptoms of cancer-related cases but don’t develop extreme concern and anxiety since the condition is rare.

Cases of cancer that have been reported in the past had clear symptoms making them very easy to spot. Victims of implant-related cancer are likely to experience swelling around the implant and persistent pain at the same time. When the breast swells or enlarges more than a year after the implant with some fluids developing around the implant, this can be a risk factor and must be reported to the doctor.