A disease can start to spread in many ways. Some come from viral infections, others, from bacterial and fungal diseases. Yet, many people today are unaware of the risks and challenges that HIV patients have. Significantly, many patients living with HIV require to have their deviated septum surgery. HIV patients are more susceptible to after-surgery complications due to infection and slow healing. Hence, a doctor, whether he or she is an otolaryngologist or a Septoplasty surgeon, need guidelines. Assisting a patient to ensure that deviated septum surgery is successful needs proper training and experience. A patient may avoid the risks and focus on the benefits of the surgery, and recovery will be successful.


What Is Deviated Septum Surgery?

A person can develop a deviated septum at an early age or through an accident. If there are no initial surgery procedures done to correct it, the deviated septum becomes mild to severe. How does deviated septum correct septal problems? A person with a deviated septum has a crooked cartilage bone known as the bridge of the nose. This soft tissue, along with the bone, can be deviated. A deviated septum can lead to many sinus infections. A blockage in the airways can have many symptoms, such as the runny nose, painful breathing, and severe migraines. Treatment such as deviated septum surgery can prevent nasal diseases like tumours, nose polyps, tonsillitis, and rhinosinusitis.


Benefits of Having Nasal Septum Correction

Your septum pain can become a significant issue, notably when it shows symptoms of bleeding and swelling. Obstructions in breathing can also develop into sleep apnea, which disrupts everyday tasks. Common septal concerns mostly involve breathing issues that prevent underlying medical conditions. An individual with a deviated septum may lead to many health illnesses. Such diseases in the facial structure of a patient can involve inflammation of the eyes, nose, and throat.

On the other hand, patients with HIV may have a hard time looking for a plastic surgeon to treat their condition. Thus, HIV patients must look for a hospital or facility with experience. What are the other benefits that a patient, even living with HIV, can get from a deviated septum surgery?

Deviated Septum Surgery

  • Proper Breathing After Procedure
  • Reduces Inflammation And Pain in Eyes, Nose, Throat (ENT)
  • Prevent Bleeding Of Nose
  • Avoids Postnasal Drip
  • Better Esthetic Appearance
  • Prevents Sleep Apnea (Snoring)
  • Corrects Sinusitis Through Surgery
  • Removes Nasal Or Sinus Polyps
  • Straightens Out The Cartilage
  • Decongestion And Phlegm Drainage


What Happens During Septoplasty?

If you’re planning to schedule an appointment for your cosmetic or plastic reconstruction, expect these few details. An initial consultation may require a CT scan or an MRI for X-ray purposes. Furthermore, general health conditions and those living with chronic diseases such as HIV may need further guidelines to follow. Septoplasty procedure for deviated septum also requires general anesthesia for numbing the swelling and pain. Most Septoplasty procedures are outpatient, meaning an outpatient will get the same-day treatment. Lastly, it is expected to have at least a three week to one-month of recovery for the corrected deviated septum to heal fully. Septum surgery is not risky and benefits airflow after a few days. 


Risks for HIV Patients That Need To Treat Nasal Passages

During surgery, surgeons and doctors are exposed to many kinds of risks. However, many patients are still wondering if HIV transmission is possible through saliva. According to many health experts, HIV does not spread through saliva. Instead, open wounds, cuts, blood, and body fluids with HIV can transmit the chronic disease. Although there is no direct contact of HIV in saliva, it is still hazardous for doctors and surgeons to operate with HIV. Hence, many surgeons should be careful in avoiding contact with wounds during surgery procedures. Moreover, deviated septum and other nasal surgery procedures must be from a certified and board-licensed septoplasty expert. General anesthesia can also help reduce the pain and prevents a gag reflex. 


How Can Septoplasty Surgeons Avoid HIV Transmission?

Health care workers are prone to any occupational transmission of disease. That explains why many clinics, hospitals, and facilities are eager to prevent viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. The first step to avoid HIV is always to use protective equipment like gloves, goggles, and surgical masks. It is also crucial to dispose of single-use needles and sterilize any surgical instruments after using them. If your organization or medical facility has policy enforcement, strictly follow these guidelines. Remember not just to wash your hands but other skin parts that may have been in contact with blood and fluids. 


Who Are Not Qualified To Have Nasal Plastic Surgery?

Aside from deviated septum surgery, many people are also into other Septoplasty procedures performed for enhancing their nasal relief. It can be limiting to many potential patients with the many requirement and qualifications in having correct plastic and bone reconstruction. Most people with health conditions like diabetes and thyroid disorders aren’t fully allowed to get septum cosmetic surgery. Moreover, being the right candidate also requires your other physician’s approval. A sinus procedure such as Septoplasty for deviated septum may improve airflow. But, allergies, smoking, and other breathing problems can also limit the procedure. A deviated septum for a straightened cartilage is not performed for pregnant women and children without advice from a Septoplasty specialist.


What To Remember For HIV Patient’s Recovery And Healing

Nasal surgery, like septoplasty for deviated septum, may require a long time of recovery to prevent infection. It may include physical, mental, and emotional aspects since the immune system of an HIV patient is weak. Moreover, nasal surgery and other similar Septoplasty and deviated septum procedures are risky. Do you want to avoid making your previous Septoplasty procedure for deviated septum complicated? Learn from these recommended suggestions to make your nasal recovery a complete success.


Follow Up With Your Surgeon

Deviated Septum Surgery Benefits And Risks

Any HIV patient should always be mindful of following up with their preferred doctor. An ENT specialist can also step in as a physician that will diagnose your current nasal deviation status. A deviated septum expert like a Septoplasty specialist may also need to know your activities, diet meal plans, give prescription medication for the pain. It is essential to know which medicines are correct for septum surgery. Blood thinners like Aspirin may have drastic adverse effects in your nasal procedure and Septoplasty.


Lessen Stress 

Leakage from body fluids may heighten if stress affects the HIV patient often. The nasal condition of the deviated septum may need the person relaxed throughout the Septoplasty recovery and even after post nasal surgery. Stress can also lead to other health issues such as slow blood clotting that helps close wounds after Septoplasty and nasal procedures. Don’t go back to school or work unless advised by your Septoplasty or deviated septum surgeon.